Charts Screen

The Charts screen is used to help provide a snap-shot overview of your Property and business, by allowing you to view in one place information compiled from various areas of Skyware, both actual and forecast, in a simple and efficient form. Several charts are available for viewing selection, with six separate viewing fields on the screen for Charts to be displayed in. The chosen Charts will then be saved in the order selected by the User, and shown by default in this order when the Charts screen is next opened by this User. The specific set of Charts determined for view by a User is linked to their account, allowing each User to have a different view, tailored to their needs.

The Charts screen may be chosen as the default landing screen for any User (This selection is made in the Users Maintenance screen's General tab, via the required Default Menu drop-down option. Edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.).

It may also be reached at any time by clicking on the Charts icon in the side navigation panel (modern curved) or the word "Charts" in the top navigation panel (classic or modern straight).

Icon or words highlighted for opening the Charts screen in different display types for Skyware


When selected, the Charts screen will open.

Charts screen example

Six charts will be displayed on the Charts screen. The Charts available for selection for viewing on this screen are divided into three different sections: Actual, Forecast and Today.






Date Updated February 24, 2021